This hashtag came at a time when I was struggling with my Instafeed, I definitely felt it was getting a bit stale as there's only so many shots of the dining room a girl can take! It was started by @onawingandachair and it was perfect for me. Every day a different prompt challenged me to create inspiring photos around my house and beyond (I did cheat a couple!) I loved having a theme and it really helped grow my followers and reach into the wider Instagram community. Some were more successful than others, others are definitely classed as 'a bit dodgy'. Here's a round up in case you missed it, including some unseen images that either didn't make the cut or came to me later on! I also only started on day 4 so I have included some more recent pictures which fit the earlier themes.
1. Door
Just a sneaky look at a door - my front door is a horrible uPVC number that is on the steadily growing list of "things to change". If only there was a never ending pot of money and all the time in the world! Someone once told me before we bought the house "make sure you do all the jobs straight away or else you'll never get round to doing them." They were 100% right!
2. On The Wall
A collection of my own polaroids and a Jack Lloyd print give a really simple update to a plain white wall in my dressing room.
3. Books
When asked why I turned round all the books on the bookshelf, I simply said "it's for Instagram and it looks 100% better this way." Plus I don't want anyone seeing my dodgy choice in reading material! This bookshelf seems to be really popular on Instagram and is from Maison Du Monde. It fitted neatly into our weird sized alcove and I love messing around with it, adding bits, moving things around - a stylists dream!
4. Floral
This is a cheat and was actually taken in August but I couldn't resist adding it in because it is so perfect for the prompt. I recently attended a flower crown workshop with the lovely @tangledupinblooms. I highly recommend it, it was so much fun and the flowers were beautiful. Who doesn't want to know how to make a crown of flowers? It's a skill everyone must have!
5. Bedroom
A strong statement blue from Dulux - Breton Blue and a pop of yellow from the Manchester Print - perfection!
6. Grey
The best colour! If I had my way I would paint every room a different shade of grey. I love it. It's so versatile and the perfect alternative to white. It can be neutral or statement, warm or cool - just the best!
7. Wood
Reclaimed wooden shelves purchased from eBay are great for displaying colourful spices (and pickled eggs if you like that kind of thing!)
8. Vintage
The only vintage item I own - this mirror belong to my Great Grandmother and now lives in my dressing room. Excuse all the dodgy pictures!
9. Pattern
Another cheat but I love this pretty floral pattern found in The Lost And Found in Knutsford. Sorry to keep banging on about this place but I'm still not over it!
10. Textiles
I bought these outdoor cushions on a whim in Sainsburys but with the lack of British summer and the failure to get started on the garden project, they live in the dining room as a pretty prop for the table. One day they will get to be outside! Maybe next year!
11. On The Table
This was a fun prompt to complete as it brought back memories of my days as a Visual Merchandiser and laying out tables in roomsets and windows. I do miss being hands-on a little bit as part of my everyday job but I was really chuffed at how quickly it all came back!
12. Outside
A cleverly edited shot of our garden - it is still uncompleted and I have great plans for it...if we ever get a decent British summer!
13. Art
Art has such a varied meaning - what makes a piece of art? We don't really own many authentic art pieces, in fact we didn't own any until we received this as a belated house warming present from the OH's father. I think it fits in perfectly with all our other pieces of cheap art prints and homemade items. It's good to mix and match, helps to create that eclectic feel that is so personal to you and that no one else can quite replicate.
14. Kitchen
A lovely sunny day when the light flooded in through the window - come back sun!
15. My Favourite
Favourite was a tough one as I have some many favourites! The nook in the dining room was the obvious choice as a my favourite spot as it really helped boost my Instagram profile and gained me my first 1000 followers! Bojangles is also an obvious fave but the reason I'm in the picture isn't because I'm in love with myself, haha, but because it coincided with the #styleithappy theme "Me" and I was inspired by all my favourite instagrammers coming from behind the camera and showing themselves to the world. It's a daunting thing to do when you've built a page around beautifully styled interior pictures without a human insight, never mind yourself. So glad I did it though, the community is so lovely, everyone really came together and supported each other.
16 & 17. Upcycle & On The Shelf
These B&Q shelves are the only upcycled thing we have in the house at the minute - just a quick tester pot paint job and voila!
18. Colour
Slowly injecting more green into the lounge to go with all the dark woods and greys. It really pops which is lovely.
19. Lighting
I love this light so much. What you can't see from this clever angle is the massive crack that the Other Half did whislt celebrating a United goal - sad I know! I haven't found anything I love enough to replace it with yet so ashmedly it still hangs in the living room, crack and all! Not very instagrammable but totally real life!
20. Basket
Love our wire basket and peg from Moth in West Didsbury. The perfect prop for our hallway.
21. Bathroom
Quick styling session with some Jo Malone Christmas gifts that I can't bear to use as they are just too lovely!
22. Botanical
The things you do for Instagram. The Botanical prompt today coincided with the hashtag #allmyplantsononething by @mvwetter so I couldn't resist! Cue a bit of eye rolling from the Other Half when he asked what I was doing. "Just take an Instagram pic!" Obviously!
23. "I Did This!"
I am constantly taking photos of everywhere we go and displaying them around the house. It's much cheaper than buying someone else's work and also provides us with really good memories whenever we look at them. I bunched them all together on the fabulous Ikea floating shelf in the lounge for a one time picture. I really like them though so I might keep it like this!
24. Glass
New glass jug from Moth Style in West Didsbury - one of my all time favourite interior shops.
25. Pair
My favourite pair of Sleeping Beauties - one was hungover, the other just likes sleeping... A LOT.
26. Best Buy
The Instagram fave! Infamous purchase from BHS that I bought when I worked there as a Visual Merchandise Manager. It went into the sale and with my staff discount was so cheap, I bought it even before we found a house. It works so perfectly in the dining room - it definitely deserves the "Best Buy" status!
27. Frames
Marble tables in Grand Pacific - Espresso Martini optional
29. Copper
This was one of the first items we bought for the Living Room. I always wanted to inject copper in with the grey tones so the Sainsburys Lantern was perfect. Pictured here with my lovely gift from Happy + Co. These guys are trying to sustainable and give 10% of their profits to the Happy + Co farm in Cambodia. This provides much-needed jobs for the young men and women, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables for the whole community. Go check them out, their products are lovely.
30. Animal
Obviously Bojangles is star of the show! Pictured here with the Happy + Co cushion
31. Mirror
This hallway mirror was from Home Sense and was quite a pain to hang. It turns out the hallway walls are very crumbly and don't take weightly products very well. It's also showing the hallway reflection of the stairs. I hate that carpet with a passion for a number of reasons - 1. it's brown & 2. cats and carpet do not mix - so many clumps of hair. I really want to paint it in Farrow & Ball "Blackened" and swap the carpet for a stylish runner - one day!
So there you have it - 31 Instagram posts inspired by the prompts. If you are struggling with your feed and what to post next - a hashtag is a great way to kick start the creative juices. It also opens up the opportunity to connect and be inspired by feeds you didn't know existed. Go on, give it a try!